The synthesis of graphene nanoparticles using green  extracts for a green synthesis approach has gained significant attention in recent years. This executive summary provides an overview of the research conducted on this topic, highlighting the key findings and potential applications of this innovative approach.

Graphene, a two-dimensional carbon material, has exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, making it highly desirable for various applications, including electronics, Graphene Nano cement, aerospace, rocket fuel, energy storage, and biomedical devices. However, the conventional methods for synthesizing graphene nanoparticles involve the use of toxic chemicals and high-energy processes, which pose environmental and health risks.

The green synthesis approach using green extracts offers a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative for producing graphene nanoparticles. These natural extracts contain organic compounds, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which act as reducing and stabilizing agents during the synthesis process. Moreover, the abundance and low cost of these extracts make them highly accessible for large-scale production.

Several testing and characterization studies have been conducted to investigate the synthesis of graphene nanoparticles using green extracts. These have demonstrated that the extracts effectively reduce graphene oxide to graphene nanoparticles, resulting in a high yield and good quality product. The synthesized nanoparticles exhibit excellent electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, and thermal stability, comparable to those produced by conventional methods.

The green synthesis approach using green extracts offers numerous advantages over conventional methods. It eliminates the use of toxic chemicals, reducing the environmental impact and health risks associated with the synthesis process. It also provides a cost-effective and sustainable solution, as the raw materials are readily available and inexpensive. Additionally, the synthesis process is simple, scalable, and can be performed under ambient conditions, further reducing energy consumption.

Synthesed Grahene Particles

Graphene Nano Cement

Graphene Energy Storage (Power Bank)

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